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Massachusetts Student Dietetic Association (MSDA)

The Massachusetts Student Dietetic Association (MSDA) is a student run organization affiliated with the Massachusetts Academy of Dietetics (MAND). Our purpose is to promote visibility and support networking and educational opportunities for students in all fields of nutrition and dietetics.


Our Mission & Vision

Our vision is a community where all students are empowered to become future leading professionals in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

The mission of the Massachusetts Student Dietetics Association is to foster an environment that empowers students from all backgrounds and provides them the tools, resources, community, and networking opportunities essential to becoming skillful nutrition and dietetics professionals.

We hope to raise awareness for the field of nutrition and dietetics, and distinguish dietitians as the credible resource for nutrition care.

New event for 2022! 

5K Fundraiser for World Central Kitchen's Ukraine Support Program: April 23, 2022 (11am)

Join the Massachusetts Student Dietetic Association (MSDA) on a 5K fundraiser for World Central Kitchen's (WCK) Ukraine support program. This event will have both in-person and virtual options. The in-person event will take place on April 23rd, at 11am at the Boston Commons. Registration for the 5K is $7, and 100% of money fundraised will go directly to support WCK's work in Ukraine. You can register directly at the MAND website.

Our two biggest events of the year:

The Dietetic Internship Selection Workshop
: October 22, 2021 (4pm-7pm)

This workshop is intended for students of all stages to understand how to effectively apply for a Dietetic Internship (DI). The workshop consists of an introductory lecture, a Q&A with a panel of Internship Directors, and an interview with current dietetic interns.
The Career Development Workshop: May 17th, 2022 @ 5:00pm

The career development workshop is for students to understand how to navigate the career of dietetics and develop their specific interests in the career of dietetics. The workshop features a keynote speaker and a Q&A with a panel of dietetic specialists.

Keynote Speakers: Alicia Romano MS, RD, LDN, CNSC & Coleen Liscano MS, RD, CSP, LDN, CNSC, CLE, FAND

To signup for the CDW, pay through the MAND portal &  fill out the below google drive:



These events are widely attended by students and professionals from all around the Northeast. In addition to these annual events, we also host a variety of other activities throughout the year, such as having guest speakers and virtually gathering for social events.
Other events this year:

Sweet and Meet Event:
September 14th, 2021 @ 6:00pm

Come to our Kick-off event to meet the MSDA board members and learn how you can get involved. We will start with a short presentation introducing our organization, and then we will be baking Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Community Servings Volunteer Event: October 8, 2021
We will be jumping right into helping with food prep and will also be able to meet with some of the RD’s at community servings to ask questions and hear about what they do.

Specialty Nights:
Our Specialty Nights will spotlight different specialties in dietetics and specific skill sets that will be both informative and beneficial to students as they pursue a career in nutrition and dietetics. They will be about 1-hour long and take place every 1-2 months.

Sustainability Night: April 26th, 2022

Abby K. Cannon, JD, RD, CDN, RYT200 is an attorney turned integrative dietitian, environmentalist, and sustainability expert. She founded Abby's Food Court, a private nutrition practice focused on women's health and eco-friendly lifestyles. Her food philosophy marries nutrition science, psychology, and sustainable/non-toxic living principles. She uses her signature framework to help her clients and community reach their health goals and help save the environment. Her website and instagram account focus on making a healthy, low waste life approachable, doable, and fun (without any judgment). She's also a mom to a toddler, a public speaker, and a yoga teacher. 

Click here to review the recording.

Private Practice Night: December 7th, 2021 @ 7:00pm

Jennifer Heinen, MS, RDN, LDN, is a nutrition therapist and owner of Nourish for Life, a private group nutrition practice in Cambridge, MA. Jennifer has been in private practice for over 5 years, and in that time has grown the business to include 3 other dietitians and is expanding her services beyond individual counseling. She specializes in eating disorders and disordered eating, digestive health, and food allergies and intolerances. Her practice is rooted in the principles of Health At Every Size and social justice, and she utilizes Intuitive Eating as a framework for her counseling. She incorporates multiple therapeutic modalities as well as body image work. She is also an adjunct professor at Boston University, teaching Community Nutrition. 

Click here to view the recording. 

Mental Health Night: November 30th, 2021 @ 7:00pm

Tamara Luck, RDN, LDN is an Integrative and Functional Dietitian in Waltham, MA. After completing her training at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, MA, she transitioned to outpatient private practice where she works to uncover the root causes of imbalances in the body that create unwanted symptoms. She dives into how nutrition, lifestyle, and all the body’s systems are interconnected. Her deep understanding of the body and her clients allows her to facilitate long-lasting health changes with her clients. Tamara takes a natural approach, utilizing food, natural supplements as remedies, and customized support for lifestyle changes.

Check here to view the recording

Below are specialty nights from past years: 

Pediatrics Night: October 7th, 2020 @ 7:00pm

Kristi is the senior pediatric dietitian at Texas Children’s Hospital. She specializes in chronic malabsorptive and intestinal conditions. In addition, she is the clinical instructor at Baylor College of Medicine where she helped develop a two-week nutrition and physical activity-based weight loss summer camp for children with obesity. She is the co-investigator on various nutrition research projects. As well as a contributing author of the Pediatric Nutrition Reference Guide 12th edition.

Check here to view the recording.

Sports Night: November 16th, 2020 @ 7:00pm

Kayla Martin MS, RD, CSSD, LDN is a certified sports dietitian leading the Performance Nutrition program at Penn State University. As the Assistant Athletic Director of Performance Nutrition, she teaches a course on Nutrition for Exercise Sports, and is a preceptor for field experiences and independent studies. This lecture will focus on marathon fueling, sports nutrition and her journey through the field of dietetics.

Check here to view the recording. 

Military Night: April 15th, 2020 @ 7:00 pm 

Emily Sanchez, MS, RD, LD, CNSC, CLC and Kristina Fauser-Martin, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, CNSC will speak about their individual decisions to commission into the Army and their experience as active-duty dietitians. Their lecture will focus on the unique experiences, challenges, and benefits of their careers. See the attached flyer for a complete bio of our speakers. 

Check here to view the recording.

MSDA Merchandise Fundraiser:

We’re excited to announce the launch of the first-ever MSDA merchandise store. The MSDA will sell products through our store on Redbubble.  

For January, we are using the funds to continue to support our community where all students are empowered to become future leading professionals in nutrition and dietetics. All funds will go directly to the continuation of our free/low-cost events and specialty nights. Available products include mugs, sweatshirts, t-shirts, totes, and much more! 

Click here for shop link

You can also search for MANDdietitian on


National Nutrition Month: March, 2021

Each year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics picks on a theme for National Nutrition Month. During this month, we will have educational and fundraising events focused around this theme. All member participation is welcome. More information will be forthcoming as National Nutrition Month approaches, and the theme is released! 

Due to the new structure of all MSDA events, ALL events will be recorded and shared on the website. If you are unable to attend events, this is a great alternative to still receive information.

Stay up to date with our upcoming events by following us on social media!

We will feature recurring social media spotlights with nutrition professionals of diverse concentrations. If you have an RD you’d like to have featured contact us on Instagram or E-mail
Click here to be taken to the MSDA 2021-2022 Board page.
Have any resources you think you would like to share with students? Email with the subject “MSDA Student Resources”.
Join the ACEND Diversity Committee (requires membership in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics), get connected with Diversify Dieteticsor involved in the MAND DEI Committee
Want to join the listserv so MSDA info gets sent straight to your inbox? Email

Also, follow us on Facebook or Instagram for the latest updates on events we are planning.

  • Instagram: massrd2be 
  • Facebook: Massachusetts Student Dietetic Association


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Board of Directors Elections

The 2025-2026 MAND Board of Directors elections are live 
Click here to vote now! 
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Dietitian Nutritionist, Senior Coordinator Project Bread connects people and communities in Massachusetts to reliable sources of food while advocating for policies that make food more accessible—so that no one goes hungry. To assist.. Read more >

WIC Nutritionist Role: The Program Nutritionist provides nutrition services to WIC applicants and participants. Responsibilities: • Provides nutrition care to high-risk women, infants and children under the.. Read more >

Bilingual Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Job Title: Bilingual Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Reports To: Manager of Nutrition FLSA Status: Exempt.. Read more >

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MDEF Scholarships

For 2025, MDEF will be giving out two MDEF scholarships and one MDEF Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) scholarship to deserving nutrition students, each in the amount of $1500. Please pass along to any nutrition students or interns who may be eligible to apply!

All applications are due by May 31st